Spring Framework | Spring Boot | Microservices

course content:
Spring-Framework Spring-Boot Microservices
1) spring-core 1) spring-starters 1) Rest Controller
2) spring-jdbc 2) spring-boot servers 2) Rest Template
3) spring-orm 3) spring-boot in cloud 3) Eureka-server
4) spring-aop 4) spring-boot devtools 4) Eureka-client
5) spring-transactions 5) spring-boot actuators 5) D-Transaction management
6) spring-security 6) spring-boot data/jpa 6) Security
7) spring-mvc 7) spring-boot exception handling 7)Logging & Tracing
8) spring-boot thymeleaf.
9) spring-boot hystrix.

Prerequisite of Spring Framework/Spring Boot:
Java 8 and any latest version

Spring Introduction

Spring is a Java-based application framework that is designed and developed by the Pivotal Software Company.

In this tutorial, we will discuss about Spring begining 1.x to latest version 5.x

Spring is an application framework and it is usefull to build any kind of java application like web application( small scale e-commerse, learning management systems, product management systems etc...)

enterprice applications (banking, insurance etc..) we have great support from spring in the form of libraries (jars) and tools (sts)

Install Jdk, Mysql, Eclipse in your computer to get started
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